Sa neuporedivom ikoničnom autentičnošću i savremenim performansama, Bonneville Bobber donosi apsolutno najbolje od prethodne generacije Bobber i Bobber Black zajedno - za neverovatnu vožnju koja se može nadmašiti samo svojim zadivljujućim izgledom.
Glatke klasične linije sa prelepo integrisanom modernom tehnologijom i uzbudljivim visokim obrtnim momentom agregata Bonneville Twin-a, leže u srcu jednog od najpoželjnijih, uzbudljivih i stilizovanijih motocikala koje je Triumph ikada stvorio.
1. Made to stand out
As you approach, it’s impossible not to notice the Bobber and fall in love with its character and charm. Every inch of detail has been refined, deliberated over, and crafted for a flawless finish and imposing style. An aggressive attitude, with more than a touch of elegance comes easy with the Bobber. The original Bobber has evolved, keeping the classic lines and premium feel but adding an even more moody attitude, blacked-out styling and muscular poise. A more muscular front end, larger forks and bigger tyres combine with the discreetly hidden mono shock rear suspension and ergonomically designed floating aluminium seat to bring unparalleled capability and comfort while maintaining the timeless Bobber heritage. Poised and imposing with an elegance and beauty that is everything this iconic classic represents, it’s easy to see why the Bobber was Triumph’s fastest selling motorcycle ever.
A pure, brutal beauty with an unparalleled heritage and category-defining capability, this is a head-turning, hand-crafted factory custom with a truly iconic silhouette that is instantly recognisable out on the street. Real style is not just about standing out, but being remembered.
2. Built to ride as beautifully as it looks
Riding is about the rush of emotions and connections it brings, feeling the motorcycle beneath you as you enjoy your freedom. The Bobber amplifies your riding pleasure in every dimension with its enhanced performance, muscular poise and higher specification of suspension, brakes and ride enhancing technology. The beating heart of the Bobber is the newly updated high-torque Bonneville 1200cc engine that delivers 78PS peak power and a dedicated soundtrack that surrounds you as you ride, courtesy of its innovative twin airbox and slash cut silencers. Torque rich effortless acceleration is a hallmark of this critically acclaimed British parallel twin engine enhanced for 2021 to be even more responsive, with a high 106Nm of peak torque, dialled in to deliver low down and all the way up through the mid-range, just where you want it most.
3. Prelepo integrisana tehnologija i savremena sposobnost.
Stil i nasleđe Bobbera su izvanredni, a to se usklađuje s načinom na koji je njegova zaista moderna performansa, sposobnost i tehnologija za vozača uključena u motocikl, bez kompromisa u vezi sa njegovim snažnim legendarnim dizajnom i čistim linijama. Od svog sakrivenog amortizera do inovativnog oscilirajućeg okvira, za karakterističan izgled "hard tail", do podesivog sedišta, režima vožnje, visokih specifikacija prednjih Brembo kočnica i Showa viljuški, Bobber dolazi sa svim kvalitetom koji opravdava svoju reputaciju vodećeg u klasi.
Bilo da se vozite gradom, prolazite kroz gužvu, krstarite seoskim putevima ili jednostavno uživate u pejzažima, tehnologija usmerena na vozača Bobbera će biti tu uz vas. Sa režimima vožnje za put i kišu, podesivom kontrolom trakcije, spojnicom sa podrškom za obrtni moment, ABS-om i jednostavnim tempomatom preko jednog dugmeta, Bobber postavlja standard - sve to za savršenu vožnju i sve besprekorno integrisano u autentične linije Bobbera.
4. Rodjen za podešavanje
Dizajniran sa nepopustljivom pažnjom na detalje, Bonneville Bobber je savršeno platno za vaš stav i lični stil. Stvoren sa čistim, ogoljenim i agresivnim stavom Bobbera, ovo je samo početak vašeg prilagođenog dizajna. Sa paletom od 77 dodataka za Bobber, od detalja i dizajnerskih karakteristika, do udobnosti i prtljaga, vaš je izbor kako ćete izgraditi svoj savršeni Bobber, da odrazi vašu ličnost i stil vožnje. Izaberite svoje dodatke iz našeg jednostavnog online konfiguratora kako biste započeli prilagođavanje svog Bobbera odmah.
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